The end of summer swap meet is quickly approaching on the 6th of September, and we have a fun and exciting day planned for everyone.
We will have a big treat for people who attend the September Swap Meet. In addition to collectors of communications history from all over the Northeast displaying items for sale, we will have the New England Crosley Car Club there as well.
Not only did Crosley manufacture radios and TVs, but he also made kitchen appliances and automobiles!
You can never predict what will show up - from radios, TVs , telephone equipment, parts, and paper memorabilia.
The museum will be open all day so people can wander though our historical communications displays. Come and see what really cool items the vendors are selling, check out the Crosley cars and tour the museum displays as well. It will be a fun day for everyone!
The event is free to the public. A small fee is charged to set up and display.
For more information call the museum at 860-683-2903 or check the museum Facebook site at